
Why wear blue light blocking glasses and which to choose

Blue light from screens is something we encounter today and every day. But if we are overexposed to it, we can start to suffer from various problems. If you'd rather prevent them, the ideal solution is to get special blue light blocking glasses.



Blue light - is it really bad for us?

Blue light is part of the visible spectrum, the range of colours we are able to perceive. It is electromagnetic radiation with short wavelengths and high energy - it scatters very easily and penetrates the retina of our eye. Most of the blue light we receive during the day comes from the Sun. This is natural to us, and healthy. It keeps us active, improves our cognitive function and controls many important processes in the body - among other things, it very closely influences the rhythm of wakefulness and sleep.

But nowadays, blue light also shines on us from modern technology and various devices, including smartphones, computer monitors, tablets, book readers, televisions and fluorescent and LED lighting. It gives our bodies a false signal that it is still daytime. The body then doesn't make melatonin, our biorhythms are disrupted, and sleep problems are rampant. Whether we're talking about general insomnia, frequent night wakings, or the inability to fall asleep quickly.



What are blue light filter glasses

At first glance, blue light blocking glasses are different from dioptric or sunglasses. As the name suggests, they have specially tinted lenses, whether yellow, orange or red, to block blue light. The colour of the lenses then determines what percentage of blue light the glasses can filter out. While our near-clear ones are 30%, the orange ones always block 100% of it.

Computer glasses against blue light

Clear lens glasses are designed to be worn all day while working at the computer. They are equipped with a special filter that blocks about 30% of blue light, more precisely the most intense part. The rest of the blue light is allowed to work on us, in order not to lose energy and to be productive enough.

But computer glasses also have other advantages:

  • they help reduce eye strain
  • prevents eyestrain or burning
  • can partially prevent headaches
  • improve colour contrast



What red sleeping glasses are good for

It is advisable to avoid blue light completely for about 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Why, you ask? Simply because it keeps us awake and active - it suppresses the production of the "sleep" hormone melatonin, which makes us feel tired, helps us fall asleep easily and is one of the most powerful antioxidants in our body. It is therefore advisable to wear orange or red tinted glasses in the evening and before bed. These can break down 100% of blue light.


The discovery of photobiomodulation in NASA

It all started in 1993, which played a significant role in the birth of red light therapy itself. In 1993, Quantum Devices (Barneveld, WI) developed a light-emitting diode (LED) for NASA for use in plant growth experiments.



In space, life, whether plant or animal, does not thrive as well as it does on our planet Earth. NASA scientists, therefore, have been trying to find an efficient way to grow plants in space conditions so that astronauts can have food for long-distance space missions. At the time, however, lighting technology for this purpose was limited to conventional tungsten or halogen bulbs, which were not ideal for spaceflight. They give off a lot of heat and consume a lot of energy.



For this reason, the use of LEDs (Light-Emitting Diode), which are very energy efficient and emit virtually no heat, even though they emit light that can be ten times brighter than the Sun, was considered. Some scientists involved in the project were initially sceptical and thought the idea of using LEDs to promote plant growth was far-fetched. However, experiments have indeed shown that the red wavelengths from LEDs can boost energy metabolism in cells and thus accelerate plant growth and photosynthesis. With the experiment a success, NASA then created a plant growth chamber (Astroculture3) that uses LEDs to grow plants aboard spacecraft. In October 1995, LEDs made their first appearance on the Space Shuttle Columbia, on the second mission of the US Microgravity Laboratory Spacelab.



But that's not the whole story! One interesting by-product of this experiment was the discovery that scientists who were frequently exposed to intense red light saw rapid and unexpected healing of their skin lesions. This was a great finding because the microgravity environment is very challenging for astronauts' health. During mission periods, astronauts experience a threefold higher rate of injury and wounds heal more slowly in orbit. So any new way to improve their health was extremely interesting and motivating for further research.



NASA subsequently began studying the use of LEDs to increase human cell metabolism and stop bone and muscle loss in astronauts. The research spread to other scientific groups, which gradually confirmed other positive effects on human health. In recent years, the technology has also reached the wider public, who can benefit from red light therapy from the comfort of their own homes. We are grateful to NASA scientists for the discovery of photobiomodulation, because without them we probably wouldn't be writing this article right now.




NASA - Lighting the Way for Quicker, Safer Healing

A NASA discovery has current applications in orthopaedics

Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on wound healing

The difference between MITO LIGHT® and infrared heat lamp

What is the difference between the MITO LIGHT® red light therapy products and the infrared heat lamp that your grandmother may have had? This is one of the very common questions we receive from you. In this article, we will explain what are the fundamental technological differences that also result in different effects on our biology.

The main difference is the mechanism of action of these two different devices. While our MITO LIGHT® devices use LED technology and aim primarily at increasing the efficiency of the mitochondria in the production of cellular energy ATP by using specific, carefully chosen wavelengths of red and near-infrared light, conventional infrared heat lamps use halogen technology and work primarily on the principle of heat therapy, since the vast majority of the energy emitted by these lamps is infrared heat.

Why do we use LED technology? Because mitochondria respond to light with wavelengths ranging from approximately 600 to 1000 nm (R). In addition, this range has several specific parts that are most efficient. Modern LED technology allows us to select the best spectra and exploit their full potential with high irradiance. The chromophores in the mitochondria (in particular Cytochrome c oxidase) absorb this type of light, leading to an increase in mitochondrial membrane potential, oxygen consumption, an increase in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production and a transient increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), which then results in increased antioxidant activity. These effects result in a wide range of positive effects on our energy, performance, cognition, hormonal function, skin quality, muscle, tendon or joint recovery and much more.



MITO LIGHT® devices use two types of light spectrum. The first type is the visible red spectrum with wavelengths of 660 and 670 nm, which is mainly absorbed by the skin and is important for a healthy and youthful skin. The second type is the near-infrared spectrum at wavelengths of 830 and 850 nm, which penetrates deeper into the body.



Unfortunately, conventional halogen infrared heat lamps do not have this option of selecting specific wavelengths and rely on a wide range of wavelengths from the red to the far infrared spectrum. Because of this, they end up emitting only a minimal percentage of the effective wavelengths that affect mitochondria. In fact, the vast majority of the spectrum generates heat, which may also have some positive effect, such as increased blood flow, but is otherwise diametrically different from the effects of the red and near-infrared spectrum.



Are you still confused? For a final understanding of this topic, it is still important to understand that the infrared spectrum has three types, which differ greatly in their effect. The first is the near-infrared spectrum, which is often referred to as NIR or IR-A. This spectrum has the shortest wavelengths in the approximate range of 750 - 1400 nm. As a result, it emits only moderate heat and penetrates the subcutaneous tissue. However, only part of it is absorbed directly in the mitochondria, wavelengths above 1 000 nm are absorbed by water. Due to these specific properties, it is the most interesting part of the entire infrared spectrum, which is also why we use it in our MITO LIGHT® devices.


Wavelengths of infrared heat lamp (R)


We hope this article has helped you understand the differences between MITO LIGHT® devices and conventional infrared heat lamps. However, if you have any additional questions, feel free to write or call us and we will be happy to explain everything to you.


See the MITO LIGHT® LED panels

MITO LIGHT® at Big Summer Games 2021
In the second half of August, specifically on 20-22 August 2021, one of the biggest fitness events in Czech Republic - Big Summer Games 2021 - took place in České Budějovice. It was a competition inspired by the world CrossFit events, where the best athletes from different categories competed. And as you can probably guess from the name, MITO LIGHT® could not miss such a great event!



The competition field was really packed. There were over 300 competitors across 6 categories. The whole weekend was also full of entertaining side events such as arm wrestling, weightlifting exhibition, a visit from Karlos Vémola, Anabolic Horse public training and more.



Recovery zone for athletes

The athletic performances of all the competitors were really impressive, but also very exhausting. That's why we prepared a recovery light zone in our tent, where the athletes came to regain strength and energy between competitions. In addition, the category winners received various MITO LIGHT® products.



We were also visited by many spectators who could test the power of photobiomodulation literally on their own skin, view all our products and ask us any questions. We were pleased with the great interest of all the competitors and spectators who visited us at the stand and we hope to see you there again next year!


Healthier and smoother skin thanks to the use of light

The condition of our skin is closely linked to our overall health. Taking care of our health, including skin health, naturally includes proper nutrition. But did you know that nutrition does not only include diet and possibly supplements, which are the things people normally pay the most attention to?

In fact, light and the associated "light hygiene" are also indispensable to good nutrition.

Our bodies are in contact with light every day and need it for optimal functioning. Exposure to light of certain wavelengths triggers a whole host of biochemical processes in our body that are crucial to our health, including skin health.

The problem arises when, as people living in modern society, we are exposed to a lot of artificial light that often lacks the wavelengths we need for our health.

Fortunately, there are very effective solutions available today to compensate for this deficiency.



Why are diet and collagen supplements alone not enough?

People are commonly used to take care of their skin through various dermatological and cosmetic supplements in the form of creams and oils, or they choose specific amino acids or collagen, which provide the skin with the necessary building blocks for its renewal and nourishment, but unfortunately often do not have the expected effect to a sufficient extent.

And why is that? Are people missing an essential piece of the puzzle?

The answer is that people lack the ability to activate collagen synthesis, which requires the previously mentioned light, and not just any light, but light of a specific wavelength, such as red and near-infrared light.

It's these types of wavelengths that we lack due to living indoors, and it's no wonder then that our skin doesn't look the way we'd like it to.



Red and near-infrared light and its almost unbelievable effects

Thanks to science's interest in red and near-infrared light, it has been found to have truly broad-spectrum and rejuvenating effects on our health, and now, thanks to modern technology, people all over the world are taking advantage of this and having great results.



Skin appearance

The therapeutic use of red and near-infrared light has been found to be a safe method for skin rejuvenation, reducing wrinkles, fine lines, increasing collagen density, and removing visible scars by triggering cell renewal, increasing collagen and elastin synthesis, and starting rejuvenation processes. (R)


Reduction of inflammation

Another very important effect of these types of wavelengths is the reduction of chronic or acute inflammation, not only of the skin! In practice, this means that by therapeutically incorporating red and infrared light, you can very effectively promote the healing of wounds, burns and even reduce UV-induced skin damage or various autoimmune or bacterial diseases such as Vitiligo or acne. (R)



Acne is a very prevalent skin disorder that affects a large percentage of adolescents and it is not uncommon for it to appear into adulthood. It is not a serious life-threatening problem, but unfortunately it does negatively affect our social life.

Antibiotics and commonly prescribed medications often do not work and put people in a vicious circle of hope and disappointment, where they are still looking for an effective strategy to help.

One possible solution is to harness the healing potential of red and near-infrared light, which in studies has led to significant improvements in skin condition in people suffering from moderate acne, reducing inflammation and healing scars. (R)


Reduction of cellulite

One of the many other effects of red and near-infrared light is the reduction of cellulite, which is especially appreciated by women whose cellulite can reduce self-esteem and positive self-image.

Cellulite is caused by a combination of unhealthy collagen and elastin in the layers of the skin, where extra fat accumulates in fat cells. Red and near-infrared light combats cellulite by, on the one hand, increasing collagen and elastin production and, on the other, promoting the health of blood vessels and capillaries, which in turn transport more blood to the area.

The positive effects on reducing cellulite have already been shown in several studies. (R, R, R, R, R)



Enjoy these effects from the comfort of your home!

Therefore, in order to enjoy the benefits of red and near-infrared light, you do not need to visit special clinics offering these services, but you can achieve these benefits from the comfort of your home using the increasingly popular red light therapy devices around the world.

The MITO LIGHT® professional red light devices, generating red and near-infrared light in a balanced 1:1 ratio, offer a completely unique way for you to support your skin's health from multiple levels, with the very pleasant added value of promoting overall health and energy.

Differences between red light therapy device and infrared sauna

Both classic infrared saunas and modern LED red light therapy devices work on the principle of using infrared light. However, the resulting effect differs quite a lot.

In this article, we'll look at the main differences between infrared saunas and infrared panels, which may help you decide which one to invest in, or which is currently more suitable for you.



First, before we start comparing infrared saunas and red light therapy devices, let's explain how the infrared part of the spectrum can be divided.

Infrared radiation (IR) itself can be divided into three parts:

  1. Near Infrared (IR-A) - 760 to 1400 nm
  2. Mid Infrared (IR-B) - 1400 to 3000 nm
  3. Far Infrared (IR-C) - 3000 to 1 000 000 nm

Each of these areas affects our body in a different way and this brings us to the main informative idea of this comparative article.

Both devices produce a different part of the infrared wavelengths that bring different benefits to our health.



In case you choose an infrared sauna, you will be exposed to mostly medium and far IR radiation, which penetrate lightly into the body and heat your body using infrared radiation, unlike the Finnish sauna which heats the air which then heats the body. However, the spectra from an infrared sauna do not penetrate very deeply into the body. The mid-infrared spectrum (IR-B) passes into the upper skin and the far infrared spectrum (IR-C) heats only the surface of the skin.

The main difference between an infrared sauna and a red light therapy device is that an infrared sauna heats you up and thus you get different benefits compared to a red light therapy device, which generates therapeutic heat to a lesser extent.

Due to the heat, you will sooner or later start sweating profusely in the infrared sauna, which gives you the benefits of increased detoxification from waste substances and toxins through the skin.

The heat generated has an effect on the activation of so-called heat-shock proteins, which affect immune system function, can increase hypertrophic potential after a workout and much more.

Infrared sauna also improves sleep, reduces stress and increases overall relaxation and well-being.

The sensation effect after using the infrared sauna is very significant. The effect is such that you will literally feel great! The right length of exposure to the heat in the infrared sauna (depending on adaptation) will cause the release of endorphins, which induce a pleasant relaxation and good mood. Thanks to this effect, your body will remember the pleasant sensations and you will tend to repeat the sauna soon.



When you use an red light therapy device, unlike an infrared sauna, you are exposed to high-intensity red light (RED) and near-infrared radiation (NIR or IR-A). This does not heat the body to any great extent, but saturates the body with photons of electromagnetic radiation that have the ability to penetrate deeper into the tissues, down to the level of cells and mitochondria. The red spectrum is absorbed primarily by the skin and is especially important for healthy and youthful skin. The near-infrared spectrum has the unique ability to penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue, down to a depth of several cm. Both of these wavelengths are absorbed by cells in the mitochondria.

This brings us to the main effect of the red light therapy device, which is the stimulation of cellular energy production - adenosine triphosphate (ATP) produced by mitochondria.

By stimulating the production of cellular energy, more oxidative stress is temporarily created, which in this case strengthens the body, or rather the mitochondria, through a mechanism called hormesis. The body responds to the temporary increase in free radicals by increasing its antioxidant capacity. By regularly exposing yourself to these wavelengths, you will boost your health at the basic possible level, which, according to the latest research, has been shown to be absolutely crucial for the health of all tissues and organs, slowing down ageing and faster recovery.

Another specific effect of the red light therapy device is the stimulation of collagen production, which will give you healthier skin, hair and musculoskeletal system.

An important effect of the red light therapy device is the reduction of inflammation, both systemic, which is behind many diseases of civilization, and local, which can be triggered, for example, by injury or training.

The combination of the effect on reducing inflammation and stimulating collagen production is particularly effective in the case of healing unpleasant injuries or supporting the treatment of diseases such as arthritis.

The tremendous intensity of the red light (about 30,000 lux) makes the red light therapy device a very effective strategy for synchronizing circadian rhythms and also serves as an effective prevention against the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which affects an increasing percentage of people each year in the fall and winter.



If you are considering one of the devices and can't decide, you need to set priorities and goals for why you want to use the device.


Are you considering an infrared sauna?

  • Do you like heat?
  • Do you want to indulge in a ritual moment of peace for yourself?
  • Do you want to support your detoxification?
  • Do you want to reduce your stress levels?
  • Do you want to support your well-being through the endorphins released?
  • Do you want to support your immune system?


Are you considering a red light therapy device?

  • Do you want to significantly boost your life energy production?
  • Do you want to boost your health down to the lowest possible level, the mitochondrial level?
  • Do you want to noticeably speed up your recovery after a workout?
  • Do you want to reduce systemic or local inflammation and accelerate injury healing?
  • Do you want to improve the health and quality of your skin?
  • Do you want an extremely powerful circadian rhythm synchronizer?
  • Do you want to support your psyche and avoid SAD in the dark part of the year?
  • Do you want to have a very portable device that you can easily pack in your car?


The above questions can help you choose the right device for you. The above mentioned effects are the main reasons that should influence your choice the most.

Of course, for the enthusiast, it is possible to use both devices and specifically combine them to achieve all the effects mentioned. However, you need to be careful here, as it can be easy to overdo it with infrared radiation. Too much of anything is bad for you, and in this case the same applies.


Mgr. Adam Česlík


Effects of light on athletic performance and recovery

Whether you're a professional or amateur athlete, you're probably wondering how you can improve your performance and recovery after a tough workout.

Traditionally, we talk about factors such as the amount of protein, inclusion of specific amino acids, dietary supplements, sleep or active rest.

However, as the field of scientific knowledge evolves, new methods and procedures are being developed, with the use of the therapeutic influence of light - that is, electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths - proving to be one of the most effective.

We are specifically talking about the use of red (RED) and near infrared (NIR) light therapy to promote overall training adaptation, training response and results. This has been established by numerous studies conducted on healthy people, people post-injury, and athletes, as well as personal testimonies from professional athletes who are already using the therapeutic use of light technology, essentially giving them a competitive advantage over others.

In this regard, we will look at several areas within which red and near-infrared light can be used. We will just point out that these wavelengths are used within the MITO LIGHT® red light therapy devices..

1) Photobiomodulation as an effective strategy for muscle growth

Due to the ability of near-infrared radiation to penetrate several centimetres into the body, it has an effect on a number of biochemical processes that can influence muscle hypertrophy. This is probably through a combination of mechanisms - from faster recovery, activation of mitochondria in the muscles, to a direct effect on increasing testosterone.

  • A placebo-controlled study showed that a group exposed to near-infrared radiation after training had improvements in a number of health parameters over 12 weeks, including thigh muscle hypertrophy. (R)

Tomáš Krupčík - Czech Olympic biathlon representative, 2018 European Vice-Champion


2) Reduced muscle soreness / faster recovery

One of the main limits to how fast you will improve in training is the number of training units, their intensity, and your ability to recover from them. And these, as I'm sure you know, are negatively affected by excessive muscle soreness, which is technically known as DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Severely sore muscles are associated with shortened fascia, reduced nutrient supply and a delayed recovery process.

Therapy via infrared panels producing red and near infrared light, when used a few hours after the main training session, has the ability to rapidly reduce DOMS and thus accelerate the recovery process, thus allowing for more training units to be included.

  • In a placebo-controlled study with 27 participants, the near-infrared-treated group experienced a significant reduction in DOMS compared to the other groups. (R)

3) Overall effect on increasing athletic performance

Red and near-infrared light acts on dozens of metabolic pathways in our body, directly on cells and mitochondria. Rather than getting bogged down in the rather difficult science, we may therefore be more interested in what effect it has directly on increasing sports performance.

  • The effect of red and near-infrared radiation on performance enhancement was tested in a randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of professional rugby players. (R)

  • In a comprehensive test, it was found that rugby players in the group exposed to red and near-infrared light before training (infrared light can't be seen, so no one knew who was exposed and who was a placebo) not only had faster sprints, but also had a lower overall fatigue index and amount of lactate produced.

Ales Hruska - Czech football goalkeeper and national team player who plays for FC Viktoria Pilsen.

Jakub Brabec - Czech football player and national 
team player, currently plays for FC Viktoria Pilsen.

4) Faster muscle recovery after a gym workout

Another great benefit of red and near-infrared radiation, is the ability to accelerate recovery after strength training with external weight, especially if it is training for muscle hypertrophy, when you perform numerous repetitions with weight, when you slow down the negative phase (which has the greatest anabolic potential, but at the same time the most prolonged recovery).

  • The effect on recovery after so-called eccentric training was again tested against a placebo group (R), and it was found that the application of 630 nm wavelength light not only resulted in faster adaptation to training and recovery, but also increased overall progress! (I.e., they all trained the same, but those who were then exposed to red light therapy got better results from the training).

The results showed that the group that was exposed to 630nm wavelength radiation had reduced muscle soreness and faster recovery and results for up to 96 hours after exercise!

Petr Pino Ondrus - professional fighter in MMA, kickboxing and boxing

5) Acceleration of wound healing

And finally, probably the most important thing! Injuries, whether acute or chronic, are the nightmare of most athletes because they take you out of full training for a shorter or longer period of time, depending on the severity of the problem.

Utilizing near-infrared radiation therapy is proving to be an effective therapeutic strategy that can help you recover faster and return to your favorite workouts.

In the case of skin wounds, the application of red and near-infrared radiation results in a significant reduction in inflammation, increased fibroblast proliferation, increased collagen production, etc. (R)

  • Near-infrared radiation is also effective for Achilles tendinitis and arthritis. In a study with seven patients suffering from the aforementioned Achilles tendinitis, there was a significant reduction in inflammation and pain, indicating that near-infrared radiation can be an effective therapeutic tool to address injuries of an inflammatory nature. (R)


If you're a professional athlete or it's important to you how you look or how you perform, buying a red light therapy device is an investment like a home appliance, but unlike a washing machine, it will pay you back in just a few months in results and then you will benefit from it for years to come.

Check out the
MITO LIGHT® devices


Mgr. Adam Ceslík


5 Health Benefits of Red & Near-infrared Light

You can work on your health in many different ways, the obvious basics being the quality and length of our sleep and a healthy diet. Among other things, the light we expose ourselves to during the day is also extremely important for our health. Light has had a major influence on the evolution of life on Earth, and nowadays, when we spend most of our time indoors under artificial light, we forget this important piece of the puzzle.

Exposing ourselves to our natural source of light, which is the sun, is absolutely essential for our health. It not only emits visible wavelengths and UV radiation, which we need, for example, to synthesize vitamin D and support mental functioning, but it also emits infrared radiation, which is invisible to the naked eye, and which we will discuss further in this article. Specifically, we'll be talking about near-infrared radiation, which you may also know as NIR or IR-A. We use this spectrum in our MITO LIGHT® red light therapy devices. It is therefore not the mid (IR-B) and far (IR-C) infrared spectrum that is used in infrared saunas. A more detailed explanation of the difference between our red light therapy devices and infrared saunas can be found in the "Differences between red light therapy device and infrared sauna" article.



Infrared radiation

Infrared radiation accounts for more than 50% of the solar spectrum reaching the surface of the Earth, or our bodies when we are outside (even when it is cloudy). It is most abundant at sunrise and sunset.

Infrared radiation is thus lacking in our "light diet", especially during the dark part of the year (autumn/winter) when we are indoors most of the time. Nowadays, however, people usually don't even have enough time to be outside in the sun without clothes during the summer work week. This shortage can be very effectively compensated for by modern technologies and devices such as the special MITO LIGHT® red light therapy devices.

These emit specific wavelengths of red & near-infrared radiation (NIR) which, according to hundreds of scientific studies, have a very strong therapeutic effect on a number of problems arising from various types of diseases and modern lifestyles.

Let us now introduce the 5 main effects of red & near-infrared light therapy on our health:

1) Increasing energy during the day


You'd be surprised how many people today have problems with energy dips that prevent them from functioning to their full potential, and are unnecessarily dependent on the abuse of stimulants.

Problems at the energy level can arise from a number of factors, but most often it is a combination of them. First and foremost, people generally lack sufficient light, as outlined in the introduction. At the same time, what often happens is that there is not enough mitochondrial energy production in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

This brings us to one of the most sensationally powerful effects you can get by strategic use of the red light therapy device. This is because it not only emits near-infrared radiation, but also a very intense red light that can reach intensities of up to 30,000 lux. This means that if you put the red light therapy device on in the morning during your morning routine, your circadian rhythm will be adequately synchronized. This is especially useful if it is cold and still dark in the morning. It is during this period that energy problems occur the most in society.

In addition to light intensity, the key is the mentioned near-infrared radiation (NIR), which has the ability to penetrate deep into our body, down to the level of cells and mitochondria. It has been shown that NIR can increase the efficiency or health of our mitochondria, thereby stimulating the production of ATP, which is absolutely crucial in the context of the lack of energy during the day.

The use of specific wavelengths of near-infrared radiation has been shown to have a beneficial effect on patients suffering from the serious disease of fibromyalgia. This type of disease is most likely rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction and manifests itself in chronic fatigue and pain that prevents people from functioning normally. In a placebo-controlled clinical trial, near-infrared radiation was found to help patients significantly improve their quality of life. [R]




2) Promoting skin health and regeneration

The condition of our skin is a direct reflection of the health of our body's internal environment, and consequently the health of our immune system and detoxification, which is reflected in the way we live our lives.

In case you live an unhealthy lifestyle and pro-inflammatory industrially processed foods are represented in your diet, it is no wonder when various skin problems such as eczema, acne or even autoimmune skin diseases start to appear.

Our skin, like other tissues, needs building blocks for its repair and regeneration, which in this case are collagen and elastin.

In studies, red light has been shown to stimulate collagen production, which can effectively help with problems such as wrinkles resulting from rapid skin aging, cellulitis, acne, or dry and cracked skin. [R]

In addition, using a red light therapy device will help to deal with skin damage caused by UV rays, whereby the skin's inflammation is reduced, DNA is restored and overall oxidative stress is reduced.

In the autoimmune disease vitiligo (loss of skin pigmentation and formation of white spots), it leads to the restoration of pigmentation (by proliferation of melanocytes) and reduces the autoimmune process that damages melanocytes. [R]




3) Reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety

Mental health issues are a very complicated topic that can stem from different levels of causes. One very common one is the change in our biorhythms, or the transition from sunny summer to rainy autumn.

Due to this change, some people develop what is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which results from the lack of UV light and light in general. People suffering from this disorder often have a disturbed circadian rhythm, which is then reflected in a disturbed mental balance, a bad mood and a lack of energy.

An effective prevention against the onset of this disorder is generally therapy using intense light or photobiomodulation. This can take many forms, but it turns out that infrared radiation is very effective in this context. A study found that the use of infrared radiation led to a 50% reduction in the risk of developing this disorder. [R]

At the same time, depression and anxiety can stem from other physiological causes, where, for example, there is abnormal blood flow in the frontal skin of the brain.

Near-infrared radiation effectively aids in the overall blood flow to the brain and thus may help to compensate for this imbalance that is behind depressive and anxious states.

In patients diagnosed with major depression, the use of near-infrared radiation led to a reduction in symptoms in 6 out of 10 people[R]




4) Reducing systemic inflammation

In almost every civilization or autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation is present, which depletes our immunity and body systems.

In today's age of stress, inadequate sleep and poor quality food, inflammation is increasing and it's no coincidence that the number of people suffering from CVDs is also increasing.

If you want to fight systemic inflammation, you definitely need to stick to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, but among other things, you can help yourself with various devices, which include the use of a red light therapy device.

Near-infrared radiation has the ability to interact with pathways that influence inflammation while inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines that are elevated in systemic inflammation. [R] If you are healthy and engage in heavy strength training or other physical activity, using a red light therapy device will greatly speed up your recovery. You can significantly reduce the soreness of sore muscles (which is a type of strong inflammatory reaction), and thus manage more training in your week.



5) Improvement of thyroid function + Hashimoto's disease

Thyroid disorders can significantly complicate the lives of many people, who are often dependent on daily medication, without which their condition does not continue to improve without other lifestyle changes.

In the case of autoimmune thyroid disorders such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, regular exposure to near-infrared radiation has led to dramatic improvements in people's condition, where they have been able to withdraw their medication to minimal doses or even discontinue it.

This is because near-infrared radiation has a modulating effect on our immune system, reducing its overreaction against given organs or tissues
. In one study, near-infrared radiation had the effect of significantly reducing TPOAb immune antibodies, which are elevated in this autoimmune thyroid disease. [R]




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